Our Healthy Lunch Policy

Healthy Lunches


We encourage all our students to bring a healthy lunch to school every day.

We encourage them to eat a wide range of foods with plenty of colour (lots of fruit and vegetables).


Please don’t pack crisps, chocolates, biscuits or sweets in your child’s lunch. We try hard to keep treats for special school events only – school tours, end of term etc.


Healthy drinks such as water, milk or unsweetened fruit juice are best.

*** Fizzy drinks are not allowed***  


This has a super educational spin-off, too – concentration is much improved as a result.


Please note that Guardian Angels’ NS is a nut-free zone. No nuts or nut products (peanut butter, Nutella etc.) are allowed.


GANS parent and nutritional therapist and health coach Nichola Flood has kindly shared Healthy Habits Happy Families  which is full of useful tips and recipes for healthy eating at home and on the go as well as 12 Ways to get Kids to Eat Healthy.  


     So let’s continue to keep healthy and happy!


